As-salam Alaikum to all readers, today I am going to give you the most powerful wazifa for marriage soon.
You can read Surah ikhlas five times and read dua for nikah to get the love of your life. Also, you can pray to Allah by making dua for happy married life to get a good partner.
To solve your marriage-related problem, we give you “wazifa for marriage in 3 days”, which will give you very fast results.
If you want to make your life then read this article completely like it is mentioned in the article. Do it like that. Your life will change in a few days and if possible share this Wazifa even further.
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This wazifa is all about getting married soon in a very short period of time if you are facing any kind of difficulty in the process of marriage.
Love is a feeling which gets better with time. If you regularly read dua for marriage problem solution then you will get a good life.
You can read (Sunan Ibn Majah) if you want to do the marriage of your choice. It will also help you to save your marriage if you do the wazifa to save your marriage from divorce regularly.
How To Make Someone Agree For Marriage?
If one of you does not want to get married, then before doing this wazifa. You must do wazifa to make someone love you and build a good relationship with him/her.
Dating before marriage is considered as haram and this is why you need to read powerful surah taha for love marriage. This Dua will help you to get married to your partner.
If you someone sincerely then Allah bless you with his love and care. He will help you with a dua to get back your love immediately. In this way, you will live happily for the rest of your life.
Wazifa For Marriage
Marriage is the best thing which can happen to one’s life. But sometimes we don’t get a proposal for marriage or we don’t get the desired proposal. As we all know there are many situations in a person’s life as it is related to the agreement of a partner or parents.
So this wazifa is the most effective remedy to overcome all problems. So do this wazifa carefully and with a pure heart and believe. You have to do this wazifa for 7 days for the best results. So here is the wazifa mentioned below: Tirmidhi: 3513.
If you love someone with a pure heart and your partner loves you too then this wazifa will be best suitable for you and if your love is one-sided and then also this wazifa is best suitable for you. You have to do this wazifa for 5 days with a pure heart and believe.
Niyyah to Wazifa For Love Marriage
So here is the wazifa mentioned below: Surah Al-Mu’minoon – 23:29. Above mentioned wazifa is the same you can do in ammai yujibul muztarra wazifa for marriage. It is the most effective wazifa for marriage.
No need to be worried about your marriage. As your brother brought a powerful wazifa for marriage which will work for you in 3 days. you have to do this wazifa with a pure heart and believe. So here is the dua mentioned below: Muslim 4:2300.
Surah For Love Marriage
You can also read dua for love before doing this wazifa for a good marriage proposal which is equally beneficial. Whoever brother or sister of mine has performed this Islamic wazifa, get successful in getting married that too in 3 days.
Insha Allah, you will also get successful in that and all your current problems will get solved after reading surah for marriage.
Prayers can be a great dependable blessing if you do them correctly. To get the partner you really love. It will help you to strengthen your bond with the person you love.
Allah will bless your relationship and choose a soul mate for you.
النِّكَاحُ مِنْ سُنَّتِي فَمَنْ لَمْ يَعْمَلْ بِسُنَّتِي فَلَيْسَ مِنِّي وَتَزَوَّجُوا فَإِنِّي مُكَاثِرٌ بِكُمُ الأُمَمَ
[su_highlight]Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me. Get married, for I am heartened by your great numbers before the nations (of other Prophets).” (Sunan Ibn Majah)[/su_highlight]
You will be told in full detail below about (Sunan Ibh Majah).
Wazifa For Marriage Soon
It is very easy to perform wazifa, just follow the steps below. This ‘wazifa for marriage in 3 days’ will work at 110% if you perform it in the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.
Islam never opposes love marriage but if the person is not correct for you then the situation will force you to get rid of that person.
Verse 24 of surah dua is considered the best dua for getting married. This dua will also help you to sustain your relationship with your partner in such a lovely way.
This is also a very powerful dua to make someone miss you in your hard times.
Ultimate Guide To Perform Wazifa For Fast Marriage Is Here
- Firstly, you have to perform surah al-Fatihah in salat.
- Read Durood Shareef three times.
- After reading it 3 times, go for ibn Majah.
- It is necessary that you have to complete ibn Majah in one day, not more than that.
- After that make dua to Allah for your marriage.
If you want to marry your love then both of you can perform this wazifa. Insha Allah, you will get married to your life partner with Allah’s blessings.
In three days, you will see a miracle in your life and your marriage problem get solved.

There are two best dua for love marriage that is (Sunan Ibn Majah)and surah dua if you want to marry a specific person.
We like the (Sunan Ibn Majah) more because it has fast results and works perfectly for the couple. Apart from this, we don’t like surah dua very much because it takes time to show benefits.
Wazifa For Love Marriage
Many times, especially parents, complain that their daughters are still single. She is not receiving the desired marriage proposal.
Some 4 Important steps for Your Marriage

- Make a fresh wudu.
- After reading namaz, go for “Ya Aliyyu” 79 times.
- Regularly for 7 days after each namaz, recite this.
- Insha Allah, within a week, you will receive the good marriage proposal that you want.
You can pray to Allah be making dua to get married soon to a girl you like very much. This will help you by the blessings, love, and care of Allah that he will shower on you.
If The Above Dua Is Not Working For You Then Read This
If you are not getting satisfactory results from the above Wazifas then try to read this the one which will help you in a very good way to get married faster.
- Make an afresh ablution and sit in a silent place.
- Read surah ikhlas 31 times and sit silent.
- Now read verse 24 of surah Dua.
- After this wash your hand and face the end.
Once you have developed a good relationship with him/her. Then you will easily convince them to marry.
So if you are in hurry and can’t wait till Ramadan. Then the other option you have is to perform at holy places that are nearest to you.
And make dua to Allah to choose the right one for you. Insha Allah, by performing wazifa for marriage soon all your wishes will get fulfilled.
If you want you can consult your problem with us. No matter what the difficulty, we are always there for you Ameen.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is marriage wazifa?
Wazifa for marriage is the process of reciting quranic dua so that you can marry the person you love. You have to do this wazifa regularly for 3 days.
How can I get married fast by reciting dua?
If you want quick results, consider doing the wazifa and dua above in some holy places. Also, do not forget to recite surah al Fatiha before that. You can also ask molana Ji for more help.
Can you make dua to marry a specific person?
Yes, it is allowed in Islam to do dua to marry a specific person. But the condition is that the person must be Muslim for whom you are doing dua. You can read more about that in our blog section.
How do make my proposal effective to accept faster?
Your proposal should be surrounded around the likes of your husband by which your husband or the person whom you love immensely will get more affection towards your emotions. It will help you to get your proposal accepted faster.
If you read all the above-mentioned instructions properly and carefully then you will find very good benefits and results from such dua and wazifas.
You will feel a complete change in your surroundings which will help you to strengthen your dedication and determination toward the person you love so much.
Apart from this, Allah will shower blessings, love, and care on you so that you can get married to the person of your choice very soon.