Assalamualaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, to all our Qurani Duain readers. Do you want your partner or your lover to call you?
If any of our readers want their love, call them everyday. Then they can read our powerful Dua “dua to make him call me now”. Today Qurani Duain has come with a very important topic that everyone is waiting for, that is dua to make him call me now.
It may happen in some conditions where we fought with each other and didn’t talk to each other for long but we have in mind that he called me but he didn’t call us.
So no need to be worried my dear sisters as your brother bring a powerful dua to do so. you have to read this article carefully till last and you will get a solution to rid of this problem. You Should recite Dua For Newly Married Couple.

Advantages And Benefits Of Dua To Make him call me now
In Islam, dua holds great significance and is considered a powerful means of communication between the individual and Allah (God). The importance of dua can be understood from various perspectives:
- Connection with Allah: Dua is a way for believers to establish a direct and personal connection with Allah. It allows individuals to express their needs, desires, gratitude, and repentance in a sincere and intimate manner.
- Submission and Humility: Making dua is an act of submission and humility. It acknowledges that humans are dependent on Allah for guidance, support, and blessings.
- Spiritual Upliftment: Engaging in dua provides spiritual upliftment and a sense of inner peace.
- Customized Communication: Dua allows individuals to express their specific needs and concern.
- Power of dua: This powerful dua make your husband or lover call you in just one hour. If you read this dua properly then your love can’t live without you.
Powerful Dua To Make Him Call Me Now
What is the dua for getting a partner? If any of our brothers and sisters wants their ex to make you call and come back in your life. Then you can read our powerful and effective “Dua dua to make him call me now”.
Here is Dua,
In Arabic; اللهم إني أسألك الجواب لصاحبة هذا الرقم
How To Perform Dua To Make Him Call You Now?
The main thing we have to follow while performing a dua is its procedure. so you have to do how it is mentioned. so no need to be worried as I will give you each and every step by which you have to perform this dua.
Don’t skip any of its steps and do this dua with a pure heart and fully believe in almighty Allah. This is the best dua driven from the holy Quran. And as we all know many problems but one solution is Allah. so keep faith in him and your brother.
Here are the steps to perform “dua to make him call me now”
- First you have to perform wudu means clean yourself properly.
- Start with reading Durood Sharif 7 times.
- After this you have to recite اللهم إني أسألك الجواب لصاحبة هذا الرقم
- Now again you have to read Durood Sharif 7 times.
- At last Pray to Allah to make him call me now.
Recite this dua seven times before going to sleep at night. Allah will grant your wish and you’ll get a phone call.
Dua To Make Love You And Miss Me
If you want someone whom you love immensely and want to be with them for the rest of your life then you have to read this surah-ikhlas (verse 3:5) 5 times regularly so that you will be able to get their attention and affection all the time you be around them.
It will help you to win their heart back according to Islam in such a way that they will start loving you more than before and no one around You can stop you from getting close to them.
How Can I Make Dua For Someone To Like Me?
If you like someone and want that person to like you back or want to create love in that person’s heart for you. Here I am sharing the dua for someone to like me this dua will help you to attract that person towards you and create feelings for you in that person’s heart.
Read all the steps carefully and perform dua with full dedication and sincerity. Always keep your intentions good and have faith and trust in Allah Ta’la.
- Firstly make wuzu.
- Recite Durood Sharif 11 times in starting.
- Then recite “Subhanaka La Ilaha Illa anta Ya Rabba Kulli Shai In wa Waris hoo waa” 15 times with Surah Fatiha.
- Again, recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
- In the end, blow on any sweet and give that food to that person you want to fall in love with you.
Perform this dua fir 21 days regularly and do not skip in between. Inshaallah, you will start seeing results in 21 days that person will start attracting you and start getting feelings for you. This is a very effective dua to create love in someone’s heart.
Succeed With DUA TO MAKE HIM CALL ME NOW In 24 Hours
Ultimate steps to perform Dua for making a man call you.
- Recite the following dua in your heart: “Allahumma ighfir li warhamni, warzuqni, wajahni, wahdini, wa ‘aafini, wa afuwani”.
- Read the following dua three times in your heart: “Bismillahi Allahumma ighfir li warhamni”.
- Now Recite the following dua three times in your heart: “Bismillahi Allahumma ighfir li warzuqni”.
- Recite the following dua three times in your heart: “Bismillahi Allahum Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem.
Frequently Ask Questions
Islamic Dua To Make Him Call Now
This dua is a pure Islamic dua that I brought for all my sisters from Quran. So no need to search here and there and do this dua with full believe and with the full procedure. And you will get your desired results.
My partner has not contacted me for 3 weeks !! Which dua should I perform to make him call me?
You should perform the dua to make him call this dua will help him to contact you as he will start missing you very badly and will contact you.
This dua is a magical dua and makes your partner contact you even if he is busy or you had a fight with your partner. This dua will make your partner miss you so much and make him call you.
This dua is a very effective and magical dua. Thus dua helps to make your partner realize your importance and your partner starts missing you so much and this makes him contact you.
Dua is the solution for every problem as prayer offered to Allah with full dedication always gets answered and one should seek blessing from Allah through dua. So, be kind and have good intentions.