Powerful Dua To Be With Someone You Love

Procedure To Perform “Dua ?” Step By Step

According to the Islamic teaching, when you love someone, you should pray for them. It is a way of thanking the Almighty Allah for giving us this feeling and also to show that we are not taking it for granted.

This article will provide a step-by-step procedure on how to perform “dua” in order to get your loved one’s heart.

Dua To Be With Someone You Love

To get the steps of this prayer to someone you love, you can consult with our Molvi Ji. With his guidance, you will be able to practice the dua in the right way. Have firm faith in the power of the dua. You should recite Powerful Love dua for someone special.

And believe that whatever the Almighty will do, will be for your betterment. So, recite this powerful Islamic Dua To Be With Someone You Love and think of the person, and Insha Allah, soon you will be married to that person. Marriage is a halal thing in Islam, so whether you are a boy or girl, anyone can practice the dua. You should recite Powerful Dua Against Someone Who Has Hurt You.

Dua To Be With Someone You Love
Dua To Be With Someone You Love

Here Is Dua to get married to Someone Love is given below for you

  1. After performing the namaz of Zohar.
  2. recite SurahMuzammil daily once for 41 days.
  3. Make dua to Allah talah for your marriage.
  4. Insha Allah, within 41 days, you will get the good news of marriage proposals coming your way for you.
  5. Accept the one best for you and go for it.
  6. Girls should skip reciting the surah during the time of menses and then continue and complete their 41 days.

Most Powerful dua to make a man love you and have eyes on you Step By Step

  • Step one is to clean yourself thoroughly by the process of wudu.
  • After that, sit in the position of prayer and use the 6 Beautiful names of Allah (SWT) to call him.
  • Finally, recite YA WADUDOO at least ten times and pray to Allah for blessing you and making that person fall in love with you.
  • Perform this “dua to make a man love you and have eyes on you” for seven days after Any Salah.
  • InshaAllah, he will fall in love with you within seven days.

Dua To Allah For Help

If you are wondering how to get your dua accepted instantly then it is very simple. All you need to do is contact our molvi sahib and tell him about your desire. He will give you a suitable procedure for it. Insha Allah with his guidance, you will be able to accomplish all you want.

How Do I Make A Dua For Something I Really Want?

  1. “Amman Yujibul Muztarra Iza Da’Aahu Wa Yakshifus Su’aa Wa Yaj Alukum Khula Fa’ol Ardho Aa Illahum Ma’aa Tazakkaroon” Surah Naml : 62
  2. You can recite this dua for your impossible wishes and Insha Allah, whatever you want will be yours.
  3. Recite this dua as many times as you can and then pray for your hajat.
  4. Insha Allah, if the Almighty wills, things will manifest and you will get anything you want.
  5. Every person has his or her unique desires and they want to accomplish them as soon as possible.
  6. If you want to get everything you desire in life, then you should make the dua given below:

Best dua for everything

  • Recite Surah Fatiha in between the Sunnah and Farz of Fajr namaz 41 times and then pray for your hajat.
  • Keep reciting this prayer till the time you achieve it.

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