Assalamualaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, to all our Qurani Duain readers. If today I had not given you dua, then you could not be able to increase your love in your husband’s heart and I advise you to take maximum advantage of this prayer, do read it completely, and if you don’t understand read it once again.
Today, many couples suffer from one problem or another. To solve that problem we bring you dua to increase love in husband heart.
You can do this dua to make your husband crazy in love and solve all the problems between you and your husband. You can also consult our molana Ji if you need any help.
There are so many ways to increase the feeling for you in your husband’s heart. He will start loving you More than before he was. I just need to read this Dua carefully and peacefully.
Try to make regular and continuous prayers so that Allah will shower blessings on you in a regular way to solve all your problems. Read Wazifa for husband come back for this.
In this Dua, you will help me to solve which arises between husband and wife where the husband ignores the wife for some misunderstandings and arguments.
Your husband will care for you in all circumstances if you read this dua with all your heart in mind. You need to take care of the likes and dislikes of your husband and remember the face of your husband.
Try to solve all your problems with a mutual decision and conclusion for a better relationship. Read Dua to increase love in husband heart for this.
NOTE: I will Free Service Provide with No Charge Your Problem is 100% Solve Inshallah,
How Can I Increase Love In My Husband’s Heart Immediately?
When there is mature understanding and respect for each other in any relationship then there will be great compatibility and company and ship between the husband and wife for the rest of their life.
The surah Is so powerful that your husband will fall in love with you again and he will show more affection towards you when you are with him. Once you take care of all the things which revolve around your husband, then you will be able to establish a great bond with your husband again in your life. Read Surah to make someone love you and Dua to get your lover back for this.[/su_note]
Dua To Get Husband Love
Now for a quick result, you need to have a correct understanding of dua. Therefore you need to have knowledge about how can you make dua for husband love and attraction.
If you are feeling like you don’t love your husband like before then you should talk to him regarding Mutual understanding to clear things up.
Once you are establishing a good bond with your husband, then you will see a great change in your relationship status.
We guarantee that your love will contact you in 72 hours after doing this.
If you have any doubt about performing dua, then you can consult molana faqeer Ali on WhatsApp.
Ultimate Doing Perform Dua To Increase Love Between Husband And Wife

How to make your husband love you more in Islam? You are the one who is not getting husband love then don’t have to worry. If you want to get husband love forever then you can read the above dua with the following steps.
- Make a fresh ablution and wear good clothes.
- Now go to a silent room and close your eyes.
- And remember the face of the husband and eat a sweet dish.
- Then read durood salavat 11 times and pray to Allah.
- After this wash your face and clean your hands carefully in the end.
This steps make your dua so strong that you can get results quickly. If you read dua with these steps then you can gain husbands love in Islam more quickly.
Dua To Husband Making Love To Wife
This dua to husband is for all the wives who want to make their marriage strong and happy. This is a dua for the wife to recite with sincerity in her heart, asking Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) to grant her husband love and affection.
O, Allah! Grant my husband love and affection, as You have given him love and affection from me. Make him happy with me, as he has made me happy with him. Grant us a good life together, as we have lived a good life together. Bless our marriage with children.
This Dua “dua to husband making love to wife” is powerful dua for husband come back.
Here Are Some Duas That Will Help Dua To Husband Make Love To Wife To Each Other And Make The Marriage Stronger
How do I perform Dua for getting my husband love? if you want to know how to perform dua for getting love from husband. Then you can perform the effective dua with the following steps. This steps helps you to solve husband wife problem in Islam.
- First, you read durood Shareef.
- Ask Allah to strengthen your relationship with your spouse.
- Ask Allah to make you more patient, understanding, caring, and loving towards your spouse.
- Thank Allah on behalf of both husband and wife for bringing them together as one family under His protection.
- Ask Allah to forgive any sin committed by either spouse against the other person or
Your husband will start loving you immediately if you read it carefully and you will not face any kind of problem in the process of doing this if you have your intentions and clear thoughts about your husband. If you want love from your husband then you should make up a good understanding in communication with your partner. There is a need for mutual respect and understanding between both partners so that the relationship is Sustain longer and stronger. Read Dua for getting a good husband and Dua for marriage problem solution for this.
Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart

If you are upset with the marriage and want to rekindle the love between you and your husband, then this dua to increase the love between husband and wife is the perfect solution.
Because nowadays due to minor fights, the couple divorces or separates. This can be solved using wazifa and dua to save marriage from divorce.
Now Understand The Step-By-Step Guide Procedure Of Performing Dua To Make Your Husband Love You More
How to increase love in marriage in islam? If you want to increase love between husband and wife after the marriage and get proper love from husband. Then you can read the above dua with the fllowing steps. If you perform this dua with these steps then it make your partner love with you more.
- First of all, make a fresh wuzu.
- Then read durood Shareef.
- After that read dua to increase love in the husband’s heart.
- Now you have to reread durood Shareef.
- At last blow on any sweet dish.
- Now make your husband eat that sweet.
Regularly do this dua for 5 days. Insha Allah, your husband will start loving you again.
Dua To Make Your Husband Love You Again
How to pray to Allah to get someone you love? If you want to pray to Allah to get someone you love and want proper blessing from Allah then you can read th above dua with the above steps.
You can make your husband love you back by talking with him but if he not talking to you then there is only one way the almighty (Allah).
The thing you can do is to pray to Allah talah and beg him for your husband’s love. Allah will bless you for sure. Don’t get worried as today we bought a powerful dua for our sisters who are facing this type of problem.
you have to do this dua for 7 days regularly and with a pure heart and believe in the almighty. so here is the dua mentioned below An-Nasa’i: 900, At-Tirmidhi: 243 If you are facing any kind of problem then contact us.
Niyyah to Increase Love In Husband Heart
Don’t worry sisters as your brother brought a powerful dua to make your husband fall in love with you again. If any of my sisters are facing this kind of problem can perform this dua.
so here is the dua mentioned below Al-Bukhari: 320 perform this dua for 7 days for best results otherwise contact us.
How To Get Your Husband Back
one and only easy way to get your husband back is by praying to Allah talah. if he showers his blessings then no one can stop your husband from coming back to you. so here is the best and most powerful dua for getting your husband back.
how to get your husband back so Perform this dua with a pure heart and regularly for 7 days.
so here is the dua mentioned below Abu Dawud: 792 perform this dua for 7 days otherwise contact us.
Dua To Increase Love Between Husband And Wife
You can use this dua to increase the love between husband and wife and to control your husband. Many people have used this wazifa and dua to get the love of a husband.
Attraction is the inner feeling you can attract your husband by praying to Allah. That your husband will be happy by accepting you as you are. And this will happen if you pray to Allah with full believe and a pure heart.
That’s why your brother brought a powerful dua for attracting your husband. You have to perform this dua for 3 days regularly with a pure heart. So here is the dua mentioned below An-Nasa’i: 1146, 1666 Abu Dawud: 874 perform this dua for 7 days otherwise contact us.
If The Above Dua Is Not Working For You Then Do This
- Wash your hands and face and then clean the surface on which you will sit.
- After this take a sweet dish in your hand and give it to your husband.
- Hold his hands and then read durood sharif 11 times.
- After this close your eyes and then read surah-al-Jin 51 times.
- Now pray to Allah to make your husband love you.
- Wash your face in the end.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Increase Love Between Husband And Wife In Islam?
If you are willing to improve your married life, you should start performing dua for love between husband and wife. You have to recite this Islamic dua twice a day, once after isha and once after fazr. Insha Allah, you will start to get positive results in a week or less.
Which Surah Is Best For Husband And Wife Love?
Surah al ikhlas is the best holy surah in the Quran that you can recite to achieve a healthy marriage. It will make your connection strong, and both partners will gain affection, respect, and appreciation for each other after reading this.
My Husband Neglects My Needs And Does Not Take Responsibility For Mine, Is There Any Dua For It In Islam?
First of all, try to be patient when you are suffering from this kind of problem and pray to Allah for this. Because every woman in this world wants to be loved and cared for. Fortunately, we have a powerful dua to bring husband and wife closer to solving this problem.
Will This Dua Help Me In Removing Black Magic?
Yes, this device is very effective and powerful that all kinds of black magic and negative energy around you will start removed from your life. You will feel much more positive and happier after reading this way in your life.
Video Explain For problem Solve

From the dua given above to obtain the love of a husband, you can easily fix your relationship problems. Start doing this wazifa on a regular basis to have a good relationship with your spouse.
There are so many problems in relationships. If you want to clear things regarding husband-wife problems then Pray to Allah for this so that he can bless you by showering love and care on both of you.
This will make both of you feel great and attracted to each other in such a way that you both love each other.
Very helpful
Thankyou molana, doing this really helps me alot!
Salam molana can you tell me how many times I have to read this powerful dua to get husband love
Walequm Salam sister you have to read this dua to get husband love for 79 times on full moon day.
ASSLAM O ALIKUM molana I am in long distance relationship and I have some problems in my u have any dua or wazifa to get rid of those problems.
You Consult On whatsapp, I will Do dua for you , inshaallah