Powerful Dua To Forget Someone Properly

Aslam-U-Alaikum Brothers and Sister how are you doing. Are you looking for Dua to forget someone? Do you worry about your past relationship and want to forget him forever.

So, Don’t worry I will share some Islamic Dua that is derived from Quran when you start reciting them. inshallah, You will forget your ex or your past lover. Recite Dua to forget Someone only on QuraniDuain.com

How To Forget Someone You Love


This is the most powerful Dua To Forget Someone. Recite this Dua 51 times after each prayer before and after Durood Pak. You should also recite Dua To Stop Thinking About Someone.

Pray from Allah SWT to forget someone. “Allah Humma Inni Auzu Bika Minal Hammi Wal Hazani Wa Auzu Bika Minal Ajzi Wal Kasali Wa Auzu Bika Minal Jubni Wal Bukhuli Wa Auzu Bika Min Gala Batid Deeni Wa Kahrir Rijaal”

Dua To Forget Someone
Dua To Forget Someone


If you love someone and want to forget him. So, you should recite this Dua to forget Someone.

“Allahuma Inni A’uuz Bika Minal Hammi…” Whole Dua before and after any Durood Pak pray from Allah SWT to forget that person. Inshallah, You will soon forget him.

Dua To Forget Someone You Love Deeply


If you want to forget your ex and it is impossible to forget him. I will share with you the powerful Dua to forget Someone you love. Ahad-Nama is the most powerful Dua to forget Someone. Recite 100 times Ahad-Nama and blow on your heart. Inshallah, He/She will forget soon his/her ex.


Surah Baqarah is the most powerful wazifa to forget someone. Recite Surah Baqarah 1 time
before and after any Durood Pak now blow on water and drink it. Inshallah, You will forget your ex soon.

What Is The Wazifa To Make Someone Forget Something?

Ayat-Ul-kursi is also a very effective Dua to forget someone. Because Ayat-Ul-kursi has the name of Allah SWT and it has the power to forget Someone. Recite Ayat-Ul-Kursi 100 times before after any Durood Pak now pray from Allah SWT to remove his name from your heart.

Method And Conditions Of Start This Wazifa:

  • Make a fresh Ablution
  • Perform 5 Times Prayer
  • Recite 2 Rakah Nafil Namaz to seek help from Allah SWT
  • Begin with Bismillah
  • Make a Dua And seek help from Allah SWT
  • Must recite Astaghfirullah 100 times
  • Wear clean clothes
  • Sit in the neat and clean place
  • When you recite your Wazifa must be sit in the mat of Prayer
  • Must Recite 100 time Durood Pak
  • Pay Sadaqah to get instant Results
  • When you recite wazifa must concentrate on your purpose
  • Must cry behind the Allah SWT
  • Pray from Allah SWT to change your heart


This wazifa is very effective to forget someone. Because It hurt us a lot when we were in
a relationship and suddenly we break up our relationship. So the most important thing is to forget someone. You can recite wazifa to seek help from Allah SWT to forget someone you love.

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